This next segment is about the Saint’s days that we had in Palma and Mallorca. Sant Antoní (celebrated January 16th) is the patron saint of small pueblos and animals in Mallorca and is mostly celebrated outside of Palma, which is a bigger city. According to Xisca’s story (hopefully I understood all of it), St. Anthony went into a desert to pray and encountered the Devil. They fought, and now people and children dress up as Demonis (devils in Catalan) and dance around and chase people with fire. This happened at our school when two male teachers dressed up, complete with masks and ran into classrooms/through windows/kicked open doors trying to scare the children. It worked as a few kids in each class (grades 1-3) were literally trembling and bawling. Their costumes were quite scary actually, especially with the masks they had made.
San Sebastian is a little different, but during the same week (January 20th). We got a day off work in Palma for this holiday, which made me happy as I got a 4-day weekend. Wednesday at school we had an assembly where the kids could bring their pets for the priest to bless. I think this is actually part of Sant Antoni, but our school kind of combined both holidays. The blessings were followed by Jordi, the music teacher, playing the Zambomba and a group of dancers showing us a typical Mallorcan dance.
On Wednesday night we all went out to Plaza Mayor where there was a big bonfire and huge statues of people dressed in typical Mallorcan clothes. As Amanda pointed out to me, the fire seemed pretty dangerous as there are apartments all around Plaza Mayor and the smoke/flames were escalating quickly.
Whew! I think I’ve caught you up with my travels, and life in general, as of now. Amanda, Beckie and I are going to Berlin at the end of this month and I have friends hopping the pond for a week in March. Spring will be a busy time in this apartment!